Posts Tagged ‘Spamming’

Spamming and the damage to your brand

July 31, 2023

Another one of these totally and utterly irrelevant cold “call” emails has cluttered my inbox.

They vary in style and content but the things they have in common are:

  • I have no idea who they are
  • There is no need for the services being offered
  • They all use this “cool”, familiar language

Here was today’s example..

Hi Greg,

Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to connect yet.

I understand; life gets busy.

I hope you don’t take offense to my persistence since I would love to learn more about the prospecting & outreach process in your company and see if we have any points of potential synergy.

(Company name) could help you accelerate your outreach efforts by automating the tedious manual tasks and spending extra time hiring.

Let’s jump into the demo and we’ll discuss everything?


Anastasiia from (Company Name)

In a world where we are all so busy, how can any company justify employing people to blindly harass poorly researched prospects and in doing so, damage their own brand?


Greg is a partner at Fuzion a Brand Communications agency with offices in Dublin and Cork, Ireland