Posts Tagged ‘Cycle Against Suicide’

Embracing the Darkness with Jim Breen, founder of Cycle Against Suicide

June 6, 2018

Jim Breen

A number of years ago we bumped into successful businessman, Jim Breen (founder of PulseLearning) and star of the TV show ‘Secret Millionaire‘ at an event in Cork.

Jim was speaking at this event and he lit up the atmosphere with his dynamic, challenging, energetic style.

At the coffee break we ended up chatting to him and he “quietly” mentioned to us that he had an idea about a cycle event that he wanted to take on tour around Ireland to shine a light on mental illness.

Men in particular, are really bad at talking face to face with each other about their struggles, but ‘shoulder to shoulder’ they can be much more open” he explained.

This was why he felt a cycling event would be a great vehicle for his message.

We offered to help him and two weeks later ‘Cycle Against Suicide‘ had been born and Fuzion created the brand identity, website and communications campaign to go with his powerful concept.

Since then Cycle Against Suicide has been a huge success and thankfully there has been a reduction in the cruel statistics, which are still way too high.

Jim has become a very close friend and he agreed to jump in and do a podcast with us where he takes us on a deep trip into the darkness of mental illness.

In this very open and honest chat, Jim shares his successful and inspirational story as well as his personal struggles with his own darkness, how he copes with this everyday and how he has turned this darkness into a unique strength.

A sincere thank you to Jim for giving us this insight into what it is like to live with Mental Illness.

It’s ok not to be ok, and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help

Click here to listen to the show

Fuzion Win Happy Podcast


Greg Canty is a Partner of Fuzion Communications who offer Marketing, PR and Graphic Design services from our offices in Dublin and Cork, Ireland

Life is good!

January 22, 2013

Dee and Greg at OcktoberfestLife is good …

In general I really love life, I have a great time, I love what I do and I am quite happy. I guess I have a positive outlook and I approach most things with a “lets do it” attitude and a smile on my face.

I have a great partner, two great kids, a great family and while I am not breaking any records I am able to do most of the things that I really want to.

I work with a great bunch of people and really enjoy what I do and while it does come with a lot of long hours and a considerable amount of stress and pressure I wouldn’t swap it for anything else.

Ellen & Greg - GuitarI’ve been quite lucky in my life and I haven’t been dealt with any huge blows and I thank my lucky stars for this – I know my time will come when I will have to deal with some big issues.

I hope when that happens I am robust enough to cope and that my sunny outlook carries me through. Who knows?

While I am in a good place, I know this isn’t the case with many people who are struggling with life’s pressures – in some extreme cases the struggle is just too much to cope with and a tragic decision to end their lives is made. These stories seem to be getting closer and closer to everyone’s door.

At Fuzion we decided to play our part and are privileged to be able to work with the very driven Jim Breen (PulseLearning) and the great team behind the new initiative Cycle Against Suicide.

By raising awareness we will hopefully help people in their darkest moments to know there is a much better option – and, help is a phone call away.

Shoulder to shoulder, working together we can break the cycle

Greg Canty is a partner in Fuzion